

This is the blog of Julian Langer – me (possibly the individual in the photo below).

I have written several books on ontological-anarchist, environmentalist and feral philosophy and activism, with my most recent book Revolting: Eco-Absurdist Rebellion being available to download for free at the bottom of this page and from the My Books page. I have also written and had published poetry collections and short stories, all of which are oriented towards living amidst mass extinction and Leviathan, and are also accessible from the My Books page. My essays and other writings can be found from multiple points on this site, with links to archived pieces available on the sidebar.

The main theme of my writings and practice as an activist is life affirmation as revolt/rebellion. As I am generally skeptical of and suspicious towards systems, ideologies and solutions, I am not oriented towards advocatings thiese. Instead, I embrace and affirm individual freedom/responsibility/response-ability; care as positive affirmation, support, defence, love and medicine-practice; and integrity as authentic and sincere (eco-)egoist desire.

Guitar, various other instruments, singing and (really terrible) art are among the other activities I enjoy. I am an amateur gardener and herbalist, and trainee counsellor and eco-therapist. I live amidst the Devon countryside, between 4 woods and a comfortable distance a way from any towns, in a tiny cottage, with the woman my books are dedicated to and a tiny black (chaos-demon) cat.



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